I am a certified Accelerated Evolution Master Guide. I help people make their dreams reality.
The life you dream of already exists! Release your logic and embrace your intuition.
The "Darker Side of Me" is a song that I wrote and performed with my band as my alternate persona "The Mighty One", a hard rocking dark and energetic part of me.
The photo to the right of the text has my shadow juxtaposed behind me originally as an allegory but I am opening up as to how the darker side of me pushes me harder to burn brighter and see the light every day.
Come join me on my journey...
- Tim Steinruck, Ultimate Life Coach
Listen to to Darker Side of Me on Spotify
Visit The Mighty One: www.themightyone.rocks
Accelerated Evolution (AE) techniques can permanently eliminate ANY of your non-serving beliefs or emotional / mental blocks. These direct, swift, and effective methods will create instant and lasting change in your personal and professional life. Read more on Accelerated Evolution Academy.
Find the specific problem or goal you want to work on. For example, “I just lost my job.”
Isolate the subjective aspect of the problem you want resolved. For example, “I feel afraid about financial security.”
Receive, choose, and apply the appropriate Accelerated Evolution Method(s).
Stabilize yourself into a new awareness about your situation, having resolved the source of your problem.
Implement your new outlook into precise action steps so you evolve quickly and authentically!
I met Tim and together we have a symbiotic coaching environment, creating a vortex of successes with Big Records & RiseUP TV.
Tim is an excellent life coach. He approaches his work with commitment and enthusiasm and from a very loving and compassionate place.
Debbie Glennie
During the pandemic Tim reached out and offered me mentorship. He was instrumental the recording of my 1st album with Mark Howard.
© 26-8 Music Inc. & Tim Steinruck - Website by BoutiqueABC.com.